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Will Ninety North take care of website hosting arrangements for my company?

NINETY NORTH is a professional web developer. We provide development, design, project management and maintenance to businesses and professional firms. Formed by a group with strong business, editorial, software, web design and management capabilities, NINETY NORTH offers rounded services for end-to-end creation, development and continuing management of clients' webspace. We provide domain registration and hosting and full commercial services such as ecommerce and backroom systems.

Distinguishing NINETY NORTH from many other web development houses is our approach to understanding clients' business aspirations and own capabilities, and then providing appropriate advice on projects, from initial conception, development, structure and content through to continued maintenance - a vital element for successful sites but often neglected by companies in their rush to the web.

is a web publisher specialising in electronic (web and CD) editions of books and other materials. Additionally, in collaboration with close associates in our go6 media group, we provide graphic design, copywriting, editorial, online and offline marketing, public relations and advertising services to business.

Briffa - Lawyers specialising in Intellectual Property and Information Technology have produced a booklet to explain the legal aspects of online marketing:

If you have a website?
If you promote your business through email?
If you build websites for others?
If you use the internet to promote goods, services or business of others?

If the answer is YES to any of these questions PLEASE download this booklet




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